Customers who buy our solvent recyclers always appreciate their low maintenance requirements. These machines are excellent for the environment, for your productivity and for your business results.

When something goes wrong, it’s essential to be able to diagnose and solve the problem quickly.

That’s why we’ve put together this quick guide to help you quickly diagnose and repair any problems that may arise with your solvent recycler.

The most common issues are:

Issue #1 : Unit heats but does not distill


  • Boiler is dirty
  • The solvent boiling point is higher than the temperature indicated on the control panel
  • The solvent boiling temperature is higher than the recycler’s highest temperature setting
  • Thermic oil is worn out
  • Lack of thermic oil


  • Clean the boiler
  • Set a higher temperature on the control panel
  • Use a solvent with a lower boiling temperature or vacuum distill with the suitable kit (optional)
  • Change thermal oil
  • Add thermal oil

Issue #2 : Smoke coming out from the lid


  • Contaminants overheating
  • Contaminants decomposing
  • Dirt on lid gasket


  • Reduce time and/or working temperature
  • Possibly vacuum distilled with the suitable kit
  • Clean lid gasket

Issue #3 : Lid gasket swollen


  • Cover is opened while the recycler is hot
  • The lid gasket is not suitable for the type of solvent to be distilled


Wait to open the lid until one hour after the cycle is complete
Replace the gasket with a more suitable one for your particular solvent

Issue #4 : Solvent leaking from the lid gasket


  • Worn out lid gasket
  • Vapor manifold is clogged
  • Vapor condenser is clogged


  • Replace the gasket
  • Using a funnel, pour in clean solvent, wash vapor tube and blow air into the tube
  • Replace the condenser

Issue #5 : Unit is in operation mode but is not heating. Indicator light is ON


  • Temperature is set at zero
  • Burnt out heater
  • Mechanical thermostats are defective
  • Thermocouple sensor is defective


  • Increase temperature
  • Change the defective heater
  • Change the faulty thermostat
  • Change the faulty thermocouple

Issue #6 : Partial distillation of the used solvent


  • Insufficient operating time selected
  • The undistilled fraction has a boiling temperature higher than the temperature set on the control panel
  • Solvent-boiling temperature is higher than the recycler’s maximum working temperature


  • Increase the operating time
  • Set a higher temperature on the control panel
  • Switch to a solvent with a lower boiling point or use a vacuum operated unit

Issue #7 : Trouble light flashes and alarm is signaling a problem


  • Distillate temperature is over 40°C (104°F)
  • Ventilator motor burnt out
  • Vapor condenser is internally dirty
  • Vapor condenser externally scaled
  • The safety thermostat is defective


Replace the fan motor
Clean with compressed air
Clean the unit by pouring clean solvent with a funnel into the manifold
Replace the thermostat

Issue #8 : Distillate comes out dirty


  • Unit was loaded with too much solvent
  • Solvent foams
  • Temperature set on the control panel is too high
  • Vapor manifold or condenser is dirty


  • Remove some solvent and make sure to not overload the unit
  • Wait at least 48 hours before beginning a new cycle
  • Reduce working temperature
  • Wash it by pouring clean solvent with a funnel into the manifold

Issue #9 : Condenser is corroded


  • The solvent is acidic
  • Distilling a chlorinated solvent
  • Temperature set on the control panel is higher than the temperature indicated
  • Solvent acidifies. If the temperature set on the control panel is correct, acidification occurs during the process before distillation


  • Replace copper condenser with a stainless steel condenser
  • Set the correct working temperature
  • Replace the solvent immediately

Issue #10 : Distillation time is more than 4 hours


  • There is a considerable percentage of water in the dirty solvent
  • Lack of thermal oil
  • Thermic oil is worn out
  • Heater is scaled


  • Replace the solvent
  • Add thermal oil
  • Change thermal oil
  • Remove thermal oil and clean the heater

As you can see, the number of problems that can arise with your solvent recycler is limited.

However, for every cause, there is a fairly simple remedy to quickly repair your recycler.

If you have any further questions about our solvent recyclers, please contact your sales representative directly or write to us at and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Defects Causes Remedies
Unit heats but does not distill. Boiler is dirty. Clean the boiler.
The solvent boiling point is higher than the temperature indicated on the control panel. Set a higher temperature on the control panel.
The solvent boiling temperature is higher than the recycler’s highest temperature setting. Use a solvent with a lower boiling temperature or vacuum distill with the suitable kit (optional).
Thermic oil is worn out. Change thermal oil.
Lack of thermal oil. Add thermal oil.
Smoke comes out from the lid. Contaminants overheating. Reduce time and/or working temperature.
Contaminants decomposing. Possibly vacuum distilled with the suitable kit.
Dirt on lid gasket. Clean lid gasket.
Solvent leaks from the gasket. Worn out gasket. Replace the gasket.
Vapor manifold is clogged. Using a funnel, pour in clean solvent, wash vapor tube and blow air into the tube.
Vapor condenser is clogged. Replace the condenser.
Unit is in operation mode but does not heat. Indicator light is ON. Temperature is set at zero. Increase temperature.
Burnt out heater. Change the defective heater.
Mechanical thermostats are defective. Change the faulty thermostat.
Thermocouple sensor is defective. Change the faulty thermocouple.
Distills only part of the dirty solvent. Insufficient operating time selected. Increase the operating time.
The undistilled fraction has a boiling temperature higher than the temperature set on the control panel. Set a higher temperature on the control panel.
Solvent-boiling temperature is higher than the recycler’s maximum working temperature. Convert to a lower boiling solvent or use a vacuum operated unit.
Trouble light flashes and horn signals a problem. Distillate temperature is over 40°C (104°F).  
Ventilator motor burns out. Replace the ventilator motor.
Vapor condenser is internally dirty. Clean by compressed air jet.
Vapor condenser externally scaled. Wash it, by pouring clean solvent with a funnel into the manifold.
The security thermostat is defective. Replace the thermostat.
Distillate comes out dirty. Loaded with a quantity superior to the maximum. Load with the exact quantity.
Solvent foams. Wait at least 48 hours before beginning a new cycle.
Temperature set on the control panel was too high. Reduce working temperature.
Vapor manifold or condenser is dirty. Wash it by pouring clean solvent with a funnel into the manifold.
Condenser is becoming corroded. The solvent is acidic. Replace copper condenser with a stainless steel condenser.
Distilling a chlorinated solvent.
Temperature set on the control panel is higher than the temperature indicated. Set the correct working temperature.
Solvent acidifies. If the temperature set on the control panel is correct, acidification occurs during the process before distillation. Replace the solvent immediately.
Distillation time is more than 4 hours. There is a considerable percentage of water in the dirty solvent. Replace the solvent.
Lack of thermal oil. Add thermal oil.
Thermic oil is worn out. Change thermal oil.
Heater is scaled. Remove thermal oil and clean the heater.
Cover gasket swells. Cover is opened while the recycler is hot. Open the lid one hour after the cycle is complete.
The lid gasket is not suitable for the type of solvent to be distilled. Change the lid gasket.